Garden is one of the oldest Hong Kong baked goods and confectionary brands by The Garden Company, a globally acclaimed food manufacturer. Established in 1926, it was one of the first brands to offer modern-style food products in Hong Kong and made bread and confectionary more affordable to low-income earners at the time. The brand is named after the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. The chef logo reveals that Garden’s profession is to manufacture bakery products. Its smiling face symbolizes the satisfaction and joyfulness brought about by Garden's delicious food.
嘉顿是享誉全球的食品制造商,嘉顿集团旗下历史最悠久的香港烘焙食品和糖果品牌之一。 它成立于 1926 年,是香港首批提供现代风格食品的品牌之一,让当时的低收入人士更能负担得起面包和糖果。 该品牌以香港动植物公园命名。 厨师标志显示嘉顿的专业是制造烘焙产品。 它的笑脸象征着嘉顿美食带来的满足和喜悦。
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