Homei is Golden Fortune’s private label brand. Inside the letter "O" of the Homei logo is the Chinese character “fu” for rich or prosperity. The brand was introduced in 2009 to consolidate Golden Fortune’s products to appeal to Chinese consumers in the United States and to provide quality products at value prices compared to name brands from China and Taiwan. The brand’s products are essentials for Chinese cuisine staples: frozen buns, canned mushrooms, and preserved duck eggs and vegetables. There are also popular Chinese snacks like roll cakes and roasted chestnuts. Homei products are sourced from small manufacturers in China, Taiwan, and Thailand. Many of the Homei products are among the top 100 products sold by Golden Fortune.
富牌是长年大富的自有品牌。 标志上的字母“O”内是汉字“富”,代表富有或繁荣。 该品牌于 2009 年推出,旨在巩固长年大富的产品以吸引在美国的中国消费者,并提供与中国和台湾知名品牌相比价格实惠的优质产品。 该品牌的产品是中国美食的必备品:冷冻包子、蘑菇罐头、鸭蛋和蔬菜。 还有广受欢迎的中国小吃,如卷饼和烤栗子。 富牌产品采购自中国大陆、台湾和泰国的小型制造商。许多产品都跻身于长年大富销售的前 100 名产品之列。
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