Lucia is Golden Fortune’s long-time private label brand. The logo shows a young Filipino woman wearing a Salakot, a cone-shaped traditional lightweight headgear. The Lucia brand was introduced in 1993 to consolidate all of Golden Fortune’s products to appeal to Filipino consumers in the United States and to provide quality products at value prices compared to name brands from the Philippines. Golden Fortune’s purchasing team curates the brand’s products based on market analysis of in-demand Filipino products. Lucia products are sourced from mostly small manufacturers and farmers in the Philippines with some products from Thailand and locally in the United States. Many Lucia products are among the top 100 products sold by Golden Fortune.
Lucia 是长年大富的长期自有品牌。 徽标显示一位年轻的菲律宾女性戴着 Salakot,这是一种锥形传统轻型头饰。 Lucia 品牌于 1993 年推出,旨在整合长年大富的所有产品,以吸引在美国的菲律宾消费者,并提供与菲律宾知名品牌相比价格实惠的优质产品。 长年大富的采购团队根据对菲律宾需求产品的市场分析来策划该品牌的产品。 Lucia 的产品主要来自菲律宾的小型制造商,部分产品来自泰国和美国当地。 许多 Lucia 产品都在长年大富销售的前 100 名产品中。
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